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Przerobienie Live! na Audigy 2??? , Piapia 21/05/03 23:31
Znalazlem taka aukcje na allegro

czy jest to mozliwe? czy tylko sciema.
Moze ktos wie jak to sie robi?

ps. sorki jesli bylo

"Człowiek się starzeje bo się
nie bawi" B&W

  1. bylo ale na Audigi pierwsze, to jakas nowosc ;)) , 1Majkel 21/05/03 23:33
    zartuje... ;)

  2. Re: , PiK@TwojePC 21/05/03 23:34
    Są one dostepne za friko w necie. Niestety nie pamiętam strony ani nazwy projektu ;-) Poszukaj w google. Na 100% znajdziesz. Kiedyś było o tym głośno (kiedy to panowało Audigy),

  3. ta na platinuma od razu przerobi :) , Thadeus 21/05/03 23:53
    nic inego jak naciagacz, nic nie przerobi tylko oszuka sestem co do id karty a ze chdzic to bedze beznadziejnie to coz - sam mam audigy na sterach a2 puszczone i smiga ale a jest blizsze a2 niz live a z tego co pamietam to troche ludzie mieli problemow z tymi sterami pod live

    i zeby pozbawic gogusia zarobku podaje przepis :)) :

    Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2002 12:18 am Post subject: How to use the Audigy2 (unified) software on an Audigy/Live!


    Live! Owners

    Live! owners are strongly recommended to skip this guide and try these drivers instead, as they are modified for the Live! cards (they are in english, but the setup is difficult to understand). You will probably have much better success than with the original drivers. Remember that this is all unofficial though...It might even be wiser to just stick with latest Compaq release .252, which works fine. If Windows XP is trying to reinstall the generic Live! driver and it's aggravating you, you can temporarily disable the Plug and Play services (in Administrative Tools) to get around that. Now on to the guide.


    Note: There is an easier way to modify these drivers now, download this patcher and read the instructions that come with it. It works for the full CD and the newest driver update, making the instructions regarding i6comp obsolete.

    I figured I'd write up a guide on how to use the latest Sound Blaster unified drivers ( and software that have only been available for the Audigy2 (until now) on an Audigy/Live! 5.1/Live!/SB 512 card. Some of this I figured, and other credit goes to reading the 3DSS forums (kode54, BlueSteel), warp2search (links and some info), and various users. I've been using this software and driver set with ZERO problems (actually less problems than before), so I am making an easy assumption that this is unified software. I have heard of a few people having some difficulties, however, but I'll blame that on user error, like not uninstalling the old drivers correctly. Anyways, this is a good way of getting many of the Audigy2 features and benefits for free. It's almost like having an Audigy2 (Creative bastards sell a new card mostly for something drivers can do). I guarantee absolutely nothing though, so don't take it out on me if it b0rks up.


    What you will benefit from installing this software (I've tested this only with the Audigy):

    - Bug fixes, seemingly all of them. I haven't encountered any skipping yet like my old Audigy software had, and enabling CMSS1 has gotten rid of that sparking sound from the left channel in games, but I should still test this more.
    - Apparently better sound quality, most notably less distortion on the highs (I'm not fatiguing). Volume is a little lower, but I used the Creative Equalizer 4 setting in the EAX panel and that made everything sweet.
    - MUCH better sound quality on the headphone setting, at least when CMSS is turned off.
    - Significantly less hiss with stuff like CD Audio and Line-In enabled.
    - Much cooler, more streamlined, less bloated software with a few more features than before.
    - Significantly better separation/positioning (IMO), esp. with elevation and distance.
    - Support for 64 3D hardware voices (verified)
    - Real 24/96 support? Don't know, but it can be enabled now...

    Features you will not receive on an older card:

    - DVD-A support
    - 6.1 support
    - The soud quality of a Crystal DAC


    Now, let's get down to business.

    Note: Before installing any of this, make SURE your old drivers and software are uninstalled. I did this by using Add/Remove, first uninstalling the Web Update driver pack, then uninstalling the original software. Then I deleted the Creative folder just to be safe.

    I have found two links for the full driver suite (Audigy2 CD), one is a zip and one is a rar. I don't know if anything is missing from the rar but they both should work fine (same size uncompressed). Links to these are: (175MB) (119MB)

    Once you've finished the download, you have a few options. You can either be content with installing each package by itself (because right now the main setup will only recognize an Audigy2), or you can modify a certain file to support all the Creative cards previously mentioned so that you can run setup normally (and have everything set up properly), and burn the software to a CD if you prefer (a much better option IMO).

    Anyways, the file you need to modify is buried inside the file, located in the /Audio/Setup directory of the software suite. To extract files from .cab files, you'll need a program called i6comp. Specifically:

    You'll need to get this version, extract it, and put just the .exe in the /Audio/Setup folder.

    And then get this version, extract it, and put only the ZD51145.DLL file in the /Audio/Setup directory as well.

    Now the first thing you need to do is extract the file CTComp.dat from the file. Open a command window in the /Audio/Setup folder of the software suite. Once you're in that directory from the Command Prompt, type:

    i6comp e data ctcomp.dat

    To extract the file. Now, you have a few options again. Option 2 is much better, but I'll give you Option 1 first.

    The first option is to open CTComp.dat in Notepad, and edit the file yourself. So open it, and scroll down until you see the only line that starts with ID. Right now the IDs are set for the Audigy2 cards, so you'll want to replace the entire line with the IDs of your specific card. The IDs are:

    For Audigy 1: ID = 02000051, 02000052, 02000053, 02000054, 02000055, 02000056, 02000057, 02000058

    For SBLive! 5.1: ID = 00801061, 00801062, 00801064, 00801069, 0080106A, 0080106B

    For SBLive!: ID = 00000020, 00000021, 0000002F, 00801022, 00801025, 00801026, 00801027, 00801028, 00801029, 00801031, 00801032, 00801040, 00801050

    For SB 512: ID = 00801023, 00801051, 00801071

    Replace the line with your appropriate card, and save the file. (I'll explain how to replace the file in in a sec.)

    The second, and much more convenient option, is to download a pre-made CTComp.dat that supports ALL cards at once, and also excludes the software packages that will not work on each specific card (the DVD-A package will not work on any card except the Audigy2, for example). It also excludes the AOL spam you get when installing Creative software.

    That handy pre-made CTComp.dat file can be found here (by a user named kode54, hope I don't flood his site...):

    Now just extract it and place it in your /Audio/Setup directory, replacing the original CTComp.dat (back up the original one if you're paranoid).

    Now, to put the improved CTComp.dat file back into, open a command window into the /Audio/Setup directory again and type:

    i6comp r data ctcomp.dat

    And it should work. It just copied the file in there, so CTComp.dat will still be showing in the directory. When you are done, delete the leftover CTComp.dat, i6comp.exe, and ZD51145.DLL files.

    Now everything should be complete and in working order, so go ahead and run setup. I personally run it using Start.exe in the /CTRun folder instead, since that's what it defaults to when autorunning. Or burn it to CD, whatever. It's comforting to know that you are running the latest and very best drivers for your hardware, and I must say that these are a massive improvement over the .253s and the older software, and probably the Live! cards as well. Hope you enjoy.


    Creative has released a new driver update (, and a slew of new application updates for their software suite. The application updates will install fine, but the new drivers will also only recognize the Audigy2 and need to be modified (Live! owners, consider this experimental). The way I did it was to extract the update with WinRAR and create a new CTComp.dat, and then extract and replace the one in the same way as before with i6comp. Another, easier method to modify the file is here (thanks RIV@NVX). Choose whichever. I personally think that these new drivers sound even better, almost professional, it's great that they are able to keep improving on the old sets.


  4. robilem cos takiego , tytan 22/05/03 00:31
    imho stery sa bardziej kolorowe i maja wicej wodotryskow. Podniesienia jakosci dzwieku nie uswiadysz:( Do "podkrecenia" live@audigy2 potrzeba:
    -sterow YouP-PAXIII-P ~12MB
    -spreparowane liveware dla Audigy ~180MB

    Wiecej na ten temat znajduje sie w archiwum.

    "Wciąż w pogoni za lepszej jakości

  5. Taaa, już kiedyś przerabiałem na Audigy, , sebtar 22/05/03 09:51
    chodziło to gorzej niż integra VIA :-D

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