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Windows XP: Sterowniki do SB L!VW 1024 , Koziol 15/09/01 11:34
No wlasnie skad zassac....
Bo te z W2K nie pasuja...
Wszystko na tych windowsowskich sterach bylo by OK ale musze miec mozliwosc zglosnienia tylnych glosnikow bo sa dalej ode mnie oddalone niz przednie....

Z gory dzieki...

GG : 1515425
ICQ : 19922002

  1. z ktorejs z list dyskusyjnych , coobav 15/09/01 11:48
    WindowsXP How to add in AudioHQ in to WindowsXP.
    1: Download the SBLive! 5.1 Series <> LW Package for Win2k it should be
    Date: 010417 17,648,261 bytes
    Sound Blaster Live! 5.1
    Save any were you like, run SBL51_W2k.exe it will unpack it self in same folder
    move thoses file in to a new folder.
    2: Open notepad add the line "sbl51 /w" without quotes save as run.bat
    in same folder where you put the unpack the drivers & applications at.
    A big thank gose to Christopher Hill for the command line switch.
    3: Dbl click on run.bat click next then stop rigth there useing the windows key
    on key board with the Windows Explorer all ready open you need to go to
    ?:\Documents and Settings\(Computer Name)\Local Settings\Temp folder copy the
    SBL51 folder to c:\ then exit the installer you need clear out your temp folder
    and any sub folder in there then empty Recycle Bin.
    4: Go to ?:\SBL51\Audio\English\Setup\ folder then dbl click on
    AUDIO.INI scoll down in tell you see the line "WinDrv = 1" change it to
    "WinDrv = 0" close notepad and save it.
    5: run ?:\SBL51\Audio\English\Setup\setup.exe do a custom install
    "DO NOT mess with anything" just click next & install.

    Everything should now work other then you will not have CL Launcher on top
    dran but I live hehe.

    Lenovo X1 Nano, HP Zbook G5
    Legion5 R7-5800H, RTX3060

    1. WOW BIG THX... , Koziol 15/09/01 11:58

      GG : 1515425
      ICQ : 19922002

  2. Nie moge znalezc... , Koziol 15/09/01 12:20
    w/w sterow...
    Na sa stery ale z inna data i mniej zajmoja....

    GG : 1515425
    ICQ : 19922002

    1. mam te stery , coobav 15/09/01 12:24
      ale nie moge znalezc tego tempa o ktorym pisza (?:\Documents and Settings\(Computer Name)\Local Settings\Temp) wstawilem za ? D: , ale compter name (u mnie athlon1g) nie ma :((

      Lenovo X1 Nano, HP Zbook G5
      Legion5 R7-5800H, RTX3060

      1. juz znalazlem , coobav 15/09/01 13:26
        Dziala Surround mixer :)))

        Lenovo X1 Nano, HP Zbook G5
        Legion5 R7-5800H, RTX3060

        1. Hmm.... , Koziol 15/09/01 16:06
          A moglbys mi w nocy zapodac stery (jesli masz stale lacze)
          np. przez direct connect...
          or sth....

          GG : 1515425
          ICQ : 19922002

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