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Dyski SCSI (LVD) a transfer wewnętrzny.. , agnus 11/11/01 03:00
Powiedzcie jak to jest - Weżmy dysk Seagate ST150176LC na interfejsie Ultra2 czas dostępu 4,5 a wewnętrzny transfer bardzo niski jakieś 160-240mbit/s.. a taka Barracuda4 na ATA-100 przy czasie dostępu 8-9 wyciąga wewntrznie prawie 0,5gbit/s.... gdzieś jest haczyk czy rzeczywiście w transferze ATA już przegoniła SCSI?

Samsung RV510

  1. Porownanie nie za dobre ,a dlaczego?? , speed 11/11/01 04:02
    Porownujesz najnowszej generacji HDD ATA ktury ma bardzo duza gestosc zapisy z dyskiem ktory byl Ok kilka lat temu.
    porownaj B.IV do XP najnowszej generacji .to okzae sie ze mimo znacznie mniejszej gestosci Internal Transfer Rate siega ponad 700.
    Czym jest uwarunkowany Internal Transfer Rate ??
    1. szybkoscia obrotowa talerza
    2. gestoscia zapisu.
    i masz juz wyjasnione dlaczego B IV ma tak swietny wynik w porownaniu do starego SCSI HDD.
    To jaki szybki jest I.T.R malo mowi o szybkosci HDD bo jak wiesz to co widzimy (czujemy) to to jak szybko HDD potrafi zapisywac i odczytywac dane a jak musi odczytac 10tys malych plikow to czas dostepu pokazuje swoje pazorki .
    ATA HDD sa wielkie, tanie i do bani :)))))

    1. ktory,sorry , speed 11/11/01 04:02

  2. Z ciekawosci poszukalem wytlumaczenia, dla leniwych , speed 11/11/01 04:13
    What is a "sustained" transfer rate, and how is it related to "external" and "internal" transfer rates?
    Sustained transfer rate is an average rate at which the drive can move many blocks of data over a relatively long period of time.

    External transfer rate is the rate at which the drive and controller can exchange data in a buffer-to-buffer transfer in a "burst" across the cable. This external rate is defined by the level of SCSI interface that both the controller and the drive support (buffer to buffer transfers over the SCSI cable).

    Internal transfer rate is the rate at which a drive can move sequentially stored data (A/V data is typically stored sequentially) between the physical disc platters and the drive's on-board buffer. This rate is determined by the rotational speed and recording track density inherent in the drive design.

    How they relate: In order to "sustain" a rate, the buffer on the drive must be refilled (during a read) or emptied (during a write) by moving data (internal transfer) to or from the media (platters) before the "burst" (external transfer) can occur again.

    A read operation would typically consist of reading an amount of data from the media sufficient to fill the buffer (at the internal transfer rate), transferring the data to the host (at the external transfer rate) and reloading the buffer with the next sequentially stored data (again, at the internal transfer rate). A typical A/V application would do this thousands of times for a particular piece of audio or video. The average rate over these thousands of transfers would be the "sustained" transfer rate.

    P.S Internet to fajna rzecz .........................

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