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Problem z Epox8KHA+ i WIN XP , Kinio 27/11/01 19:20
Pare dni temu kupilem kompa na płycie Epox8KHA+, zainstalowałem WinXP i pojawił się problem, a mianowicie przy wychodzeniu z wiekszości gier nastepuje totalny zwis systemu i pojawia sie komunikat DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUA. Jeśli ktoś spotkał sie z czymś takim to proszę o pomoc.


  1. :-( , Grza 27/11/01 20:33
    A juz chcialem w tym tygodniu kupic tego epoxa i instalowac XP! cale szczescie ze jest board :-)

    1. A jaki to ma zwiazek mastachu z MB ????? , McMike 27/11/01 21:32
      mam tego epoxa i nie mam zadnych problemow tego typu, ten komunikat pojawil mi sie tylko raz na ECS na na KT133 rev 1.0 .

      If at first the device fails to work...
      Find a larger hammer!

  2. przeczytaj , myszon 27/11/01 20:38

    1. to jest ten text: , myszon 27/11/01 20:48
      Error Message:

      This Stop message indicates that a kernel-mode process or driver attempted to access a memory address to which it did not have permission to access. The most common cause of this error is an incorrect or corrupted pointer that references an incorrect location in memory. A pointer is a variable used by a program to refer to a block of memory. If the variable has an incorrect value in it, the program tries to access memory that it should not. When this occurs in a user-mode application, it generates an access violation. When it occurs in kernel mode, it generates a STOP 0x0000000A message. If you encounter this error while upgrading to a newer version of Windows, it might be caused by a device driver, a system service, a virus scanner, or a backup tool that is incompatible with the new version.

      User Action:
      This error usually occurs after the installation of a buggy device driver, system service, or BIOS. To resolve it quickly, restart your computer, and press F8 at the character-mode menu that displays the operating system choices. At the resulting Windows 2000 Advanced Options menu, choose the Last Known Good Configuration option. This option is most effective when only one driver or service is added at a time. If you encounter this error while upgrading from Windows NT 4.0 or earlier, it might be caused by a device driver, a system service, a virus scanner, or a backup tool that is incompatible with the new version. If possible, remove all third-party device drivers and system services and disable any virus scanners prior to upgrading. Contact the software manufacturers to obtain updates of these tools. For additional error messages that might help pinpoint the device or driver that is causing the error, check the System Log in Event Viewer. Disabling memory caching of the BIOS might also resolve this error. You should also run hardware diagnostics supplied by the system manufacturer, especially the memory scanner. For details on these procedures, see the owner’s manual for your computer. If your system has small computer system interface (SCSI) adapters, contact the adapter manufacturer to obtain updated Windows 2000 drivers. Disable sync negotiation in the SCSI BIOS, check the cables and the SCSI IDs of each device, and confirm proper termination. For enhanced integrated device electronics (EIDE) devices, define the onboard EIDE port as Primary only. Also, check each EIDE device for the proper master/slave/stand-alone setting. Remove all EIDE devices except for hard disks. If the message appears during an installation of Windows 2000, make sure that the computer and all installed peripherals are listed on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) on For more troubleshooting information about this Stop message, refer to the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

  3. dzięki , Kinio 27/11/01 21:22
    Dzięki za odpowiedz, mam nadzieje że mi to pomożę.


  4. Niby lepiej :(( , Kinio 27/11/01 21:29
    Narazie wywaliłem stery od IDE BUSMASTER i teraz komunikat się nie pojawia, ale za to przy wychodzeniu z np. Wolfa następuje samoczynny restart kompa.


    1. to wina , coobav 27/11/01 22:38
      sterow od karty graf na 90%

      Lenovo X1 Nano, HP Zbook G5
      Legion5 R7-5800H, RTX3060

  5. U mnie jest OK , PKort 27/11/01 21:31
    na NMC-8TCX2+ Windows XP chodzi jak burza.

    Heavy Metal or no metal at all
    whimps and posers - Leave the Hall !!

  6. A nie masz czasem SB live , Pasza 27/11/01 23:27
    Bo mi sie to zaczelo pojawiac przy tej karcie
    a wszesniej nie ..


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