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Nieciekawy ten SP3 dla Win2000 , Poke 1/08/02 12:03
Blue Screen of Death hits SP3 installs and Ts&Cs change for auto code download!

SOME BRAVE HEARTS WHO downloaded the SP3 patch for Windows 2000 have experienced some problems.

That's not that many however, considering the thousands of bug fixes that must have been downloaded already.

In the first case, a UK company attempted to install SP3 on two machines, one a Dell P3 550 and the other a Mesh XP 1.4.

The systems, said the end users, have nothing in common but produced exactly the same blue screen of death ? a message about a non page fault.

The boys told us that on the Dell they didn't back up the previous install and had to re-install the entire OS. On the Mesh they made a backup, so when the BSOD arrived, went into safe mode, logged on as admin and removed the service pack.

They said that you have to say "yes" to back up your settings when the SP is first run to avoid potential calamity.

The third case we've heard about also caused a STOP situation ? the user sent us a screen shot of the death, which you can find below.

Another reader downloaded SP3 but said that Microsoft has significantly changed their terms and conditions, with this paragraph: "The OS Product or OS Components contain components that enable and facilitate the use of certain Internet- based services. You acknowledge and agree that Microsoft may automatically check the version of the OS Product and/or its components that you are utilizing and may provide upgrades or fixes to the OS Product that will be automatically downloaded to your computer."

He said that acceptance of this means Microsoft can now auto- download code to W2K computers, without authorisation or knowledge, and he's decided not to install the patch because of the change. SP2's Ts&Cs had no such stipulation.



Wyglada to tak jak by MS chcial upodobnic Windows 2000 pod wzgledem szpiegowania do WindowsXP. Nie wspomnje juz o BSOD po instalacji SP... Mam coraz wieksze watpliwosci czy go instalowac!

09 sierpien 2008 - penitentiam agite

  1. Zainstalowalem wczoraj i jak do tej pory wszystko OK , Paolo 1/08/02 13:11
    Nie bylo zadnego BSOD przy instalacji. Pracowalem coprawda tylko w wordzie i prowadzilem odliczenia kwantowo-chemiczne (duze obciazenie procka), ale wszystko spoko.

    Zycie jest jak pudelko czekoladek.
    Ngdy nie wiesz na co trafisz :)

  2. ja na pewno nie zainstaluje ... , NimnuL-Redakcja 1/08/02 14:59
    bo nie widze takiej potrzeby ... w zasadzie to ja nie mam nawet SP2 :-)
    Jedynie SP1 .... co tak na prawde robi SP2 ? Oplaca sie go instaowac ? Problemow ze stabinoscia/wydajnoscia nie mam ... z netem łacze sie przez modem, wiec jaies dziury mi nie przeszkadzaja ...

    Gdyby nie wymyślono elektryczności,
    siedziałbym przed komputerem przy

  3. Zainstaluje , Gali 1/08/02 15:36
    SP3 jak tylko bedzie polska wersja.

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