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Jaki sterownik do oglądnięcia filmu??? , Paweł27 22/01/03 17:42
Mam zainstalowany DivXShowPack23.12.2002 i filtry Dolby Digital. Wcześniej gdy pytałem mówiliście że wszystko na tym powinno iść. Film Notting Hill obraz OK, ale dźwięku NIET. GSpot pokazuje że dźwięk w formacie WMA Divx. Zainstalowałem Windows Media Player Codec 8 i ni chu chu. Co mi tutaj potrzeba. Pytam bo nie chcę skisić całego systemu przez zainstalowanie niewłaściwych kodeków.

i7-4770, Asus H87M-Pro
EVGA 750ti, SSD 840 Pro
Fractal Design Define R4, EVGA 750W Gold

  1. poszukaj.. , Holek 22/01/03 17:55
    ac3 codec

    99% procent ze to ac3 ;)

    " I am on The Road again..."

    1. ale DirectShow ma w sobie , NimnuL-Redakcja 22/01/03 19:23
      dekodery AC3 ...

      Gdyby nie wymyślono elektryczności,
      siedziałbym przed komputerem przy

  2. ac3 , Chrisu 22/01/03 17:57

    /// GG# 1 110 10 10 11 100 10 \\\

  3. AC3 codec to chodzi o ten wpis do rejestru???? , Paweł27 22/01/03 17:59
    Bo jeśli to o to chodzi to też próbowałem.

    i7-4770, Asus H87M-Pro
    EVGA 750ti, SSD 840 Pro
    Fractal Design Define R4, EVGA 750W Gold

    1. chodzi o plik , Chrisu 22/01/03 18:19

      /// GG# 1 110 10 10 11 100 10 \\\

      1. AC3 0.63b mam zainstalowany to nic nie pomaga , Paweł27 22/01/03 18:32
        przeinstalowałem ponownie i też nic nie pomogło

        i7-4770, Asus H87M-Pro
        EVGA 750ti, SSD 840 Pro
        Fractal Design Define R4, EVGA 750W Gold

      2. poza tym w w show packu miałem , Paweł27 22/01/03 18:49
        mam wersję AC3 0,62(czyli starszą) i też nic nie daje. Wywaliłem wszystko i zainstalowałem od nowa i nic. Wszystkie fimy chodzą nawet te nowe : 8mila czy Krąg, a ten nie pójdzie.

        i7-4770, Asus H87M-Pro
        EVGA 750ti, SSD 840 Pro
        Fractal Design Define R4, EVGA 750W Gold

        1. a sprawdź , Chrisu 22/01/03 20:55
          Gspot em czym jest audio kodowane...

          /// GG# 1 110 10 10 11 100 10 \\\

  4. software , hrabia 22/01/03 18:50
    100% all player +ac3.sprawdziłem u siebie.chyba że masz kompletny śmietnik na dysku

    1. a jaką wersję masz , Paweł27 22/01/03 18:52
      Mój avik zajmuje 451 440 KB. Dziwne bo wszystkie inne filmy chodzą a ten nie.

      i7-4770, Asus H87M-Pro
      EVGA 750ti, SSD 840 Pro
      Fractal Design Define R4, EVGA 750W Gold

  5. podejzewam ze ktos shackowanego wma uzywa , Thadeus 22/01/03 20:34
    bylo takie cos w paczce divx 3.11 byly to kodeki wma ze zmienionym id tak ze meldowaly sie jako divx audio. Jakby co to tylko musi sie wgrac wiec za parenascie minutek bedzie :)


  6. strategia postępowania: , Seadog 22/01/03 21:02
    1. otwórz film w VirtualDub'ie
    2. Plik->właściwości (File->properties)
    3. zanotuj jaki kodek audio jest potrzebny (koniecznie jego kod)
    4. uruchom przeglądarkę, wpisz i w wyszukiwarce wpisz kod kodeka, którego szukasz, plus np. "download" i/lub "audio", "codec" (bez cudzysłowów)
    5. zanim cokolwiek ściągniesz i zainstalujesz, poczytaj stronę, na której jesteś!
    6. musi pomóc, ja mam 100% rozwiązanych przypadków i tylko jedną wpadkę z Nimo - nie zastosowałem się do punktu 5

  7. a moze zainstaluj Nimo Codec Pack , Babek 22/01/03 22:21
    najlepiej wybrać podczas instalacji wsyztkie dekompresory video i audio , bez avi audio i odznaczyć direct show wszytkie zostawić tylko vobsuba i ewentualnie jak ktoś używa ( w sumie chyba zamiast) DIvxG400, a codeki ac3 włączać kiedy film wymaga tego i wyłączać po nim nie instalować ich na stałe. w takiej konfiguracji mi działa każdy film, a jak zaisntalowało mi się z gordiana knota ac3 to potem niektóre filmy nie miały głosu, więc odradzam na stałe to instalować.

    1. ales pierdolnal ,.. jak gownem o sciane :) , Thadeus 22/01/03 23:19
      i co ja mowilme ze 30 razy, won, sio akysz bo @!#$#^%*&*#@


      1. spoko Tadziu :) , Mackie Messer 23/01/03 03:20
        On akurat nie musial CIebie slyszec. Kolega chcial pomoc a Ty Go piescia :) Moze kolega sie nie zna tak dobrze jak Ty na tych klockach. Pozdro

        "Predzej sam siebie zgasze, niz sie wypale"
        F. Nietzsche

        1. loozzzzz :) , Thadeus 23/01/03 16:51
          ale jak mi ktos wyjedzie z nimo i ze ma problem z filmami to ukatrupie :)


          1. a co ma nie działać po zainstalowaniu gordiana? , Babek 26/01/03 18:32
            jest coś o czym nie wiem, pisaliście kiedyś nie wiem kto, ze pakiet nimo jest do dupy , ale akurat w moim przypadku dziala mam ponad 200 filmów różnie robionych i jakoś działająwszytkie i niektóre własnie wymagają rzeczy z pakietu nimo, więc czemu mam pisać ze po instalacji nimo się coś pierdoli???

            1. sorkli nimo packa , Babek 26/01/03 18:32
              pomyliłem się

            2. postujacy chcial by mu pomoc a nie zaszkodzic , Thadeus 26/01/03 23:46
              ja nie mam zaistalowaego nimo a WSZYSTKIE filmy jakie mam czy mialem dzilaja bez problemu. Jak ktos nie umie to i nimo instaluje. Jesli jakis fim wymaga instalacji czegos z nimo to odpowiedz jest tylko jedna kodowal go jakis idiota, jakis standarty kodowania dla grup opracowano i posinno sie trzymac tego a nie wlasnego widzimisie bi mi kodek wojka baranka zapakowany do pczaki przez ciocie felcie pasuje bardziej


              The federation of releasing groups presents

              The DivX Releasing Standards 2002

              [ INTRO ]

              In an unparalleled event of co-operation and innovation, the DivX scene
              united once again to bring you the 2002 installment of the TDX guideli-
              nes. We thank all of you who so kindly gave up time and energy to bring
              us suggestions and help us brainstorm on the newest of video technolo-
              gies. So without further ado, we present to you, the DivX ripper/enthu-
              siast, the TDX 2002 Releasing Standards.
              [ RELEASE RULES ]

              Movie Length:
              - PAL (25 fps) = min runtime is 105 minutes/CD
              - FILM (23.976 fps) = min runtime is 110 minutes/CD
              - NTSC (29.97 fps) = min runtime is 92 minutes/CD
              TV-Series Episodes shall NOT be exempt from these rules (See Series
              These runtimes are scalable via the following equation:
              N cd time minimum = (N-1) * allowed_time where N is number of CDs and
              allowable time applies to your format
              (i.e. 4 cd FILM rip min = 110 x (4-1) = 330 minutes)

              Media usage is at Ripper's discretion, please use it.
              Releases should utilize at minimum 97% of total media capacity, however
              an undersized release is not a technical flaw.

              - MUST be MP3 or Studio AC3 (AC3 transcoding forbidden).
              - MUST be STEREO for STEREO sources, MONO for MONO sources
              (MONO audio as STEREO on source is considered a MONO source).
              - MUST BE VBR! NO CBR MP3!
              - VBR techniques:
              - strongly recommended to use --r3mix with LAME
              - ABR is considered a VBR technique.
              - AC3 MUST be used wisely and correctly.
              - AC3 MUST be interleaved at 64 or 96 ms.

              - MUST be <=20 seconds and MUST be inserted according to scene
              changes and framesizes as determined by the codec or encoding

              - MUST be as close to original source framerate as possible.

              - MUST be DivX 3.11 or XviD.
              - MUST use 2 pass technique during encoding!

              - Width: 512 - 640 pixels and MUST be a multiple of 16.
              EXCEPTION: 4:3 FS sources may use a minimum resolution of 448 pixels.
              - Height: Must be a multiple of 16.
              - Cropping is required.

              Subs, Interactive Menus, Trailers:
              - OPTIONAL (if and ONLY if all other requirements have been met).
              - VOBSUB is the preferred format due to the fact it does not use
              OCR, however, any format that displays with DVobSub is acceptable.
              - Subtitles may be MUXED with video stream, but may NOT be BURNED
              into video stream.
              - Subtitles not muxed into video stream MUST be encapsulated in .rar
              file with the MOST compression available and shall be contained in
              the directory named 'Subs' and will NOT be packaged with main movie
              - Subbed is preferred over dubbed.
              - Burned subtitles shall only be permissible when the source exhibits
              forementioned subtitles in the picture itself (i.e. Subs in the
              matte portion of the picture MUST be typed in a seperate file and
              the frame shall be cropped).
              - Subs on non english movies MUST fit on CD with main movie, all other
              optional subs SHOULD fit on CD.

              Series Notes:
              - Episodes shall not overlap on CDs (i.e. 2eps/CD, 4eps/CD is allowed
              1.5eps/CD is NOT).
              - Episodes are not subject to the same scaling rules as cinematic
              features and must obey forementioned rule.
              - Suggested media usage: 4x23min = 1CD, 2x45min = 1CD, 1x60min = 1CD

              - All releases must be AVI, not BIN/CUE. (see Notes Section)
              - Must be packed with RAR, compression is NOT ALLOWED
              and broken into 15 or 20 MB volumes
              - Recovery record recommended.
              - Must have SFV
              - Must have NFO
              - NFO MUST INCLUDE:
              Group name
              Actual DivX release date
              DVD release date
              US theater release date
              Video size
              Framesize/aspect ratio
              Audio bitrate
              Video bitrate
              Movie runtime/length
              IMDB/adultdvdempire link
              Number of rars per cd (eg. 44x15MB)
              Ripping Method

              - Movie credits are preferred but CAN be cut in order to fit within
              1 CD (700 MB) if the movie length would exceed 110 minutes.
              - NOT required in the AVI itself.
              - NOT required in the NFO - it is 'recommended' to list the main few
              characters as IMDB lists them.

              - REQUIRED
              - 1 full minute in length (approximately 10 MB) and in separate folder
              marked 'SAMPLE'.
              - MUST be taken from the movie - NOT encoded separately.

              - Propers are ONLY permitted in the case of a technical flaw with the
              original release (i.e. Bad IVTC, Interlacing, etc).
              - Releases not nuked on release lists and/or sites MUST include
              original sample of technical flaw.
              - Qualitative propers are not allowed, nor are propers based on
              decisions made by a ripper (i.e. # of CDs, AC3 or MP3, etc).
              - Propers based upon the compliance with new instances of TDX
              guidelines are also forbidden (i.e. older rips with 720px res).
              - Subbed (in original movie language) propers dubbed (in any language).

              Directory Naming:
              - Directory names shall NOT exceed 64 characters.
              - All releases are to include production year.
              - DO NOT indicate Ripping method (MM4/VM2/VBR/SBC and so on),
              WS (widescreen), DVD/DivX release DATE, GENRE or anything else
              in the directory name (ONLY within the NFO).
              - Acceptable characters in naming a directory include (NO spaces or
              double dots - single dots or underscores ONLY):

              0123456789 . -_

              - All Release directories, regardless of year, shall be named according
              to Movie.Name.Year.Source.Codec-Group, suggested naming for the movie
              itself shall follow the same procedure
              (i.e. Movie.Name.Year.Source.Codec-Group.avi,

              - Releases that are more than 1 CD will follow these specs:
              - MUST be named CD1, CD2, CD3 and so on. ('disc1', etc will NOT
              be allowed).
              - There MUST be a SFV included for each CD.
              - Rars MUST be broken into 2 or more CD volumes. (78 rars of a 2
              disc title will NOT be tolerated)

              [ NOTES TO THE RULES ]

              Source related notes:
              - Source shall be DVD Only, no exceptions!
              - DVD Screeners shall be clearly marked in the directory name and the
              nfo shall contain presence of studio watermarking, or lack thereof.

              Ripping related notes:
              - Maximum VIDEO bitrates are covered by length rules.
              - Movies should be ripped in their most widescreen format available.
              - Multi-language audio tracks are allowed.
              - Multiple languages should be interleaved into the AVI, with
              a graphedit filter for each appropriate audio stream.
              - Movies that would ordinarily fit on one CD should not be made
              into 2 CD releases on the basis of additional audio tracks.
              - Multi-language audio CANNOT be used as a basis for a dupe.
              - Multi-language subtitles CANNOT be used as a basis for a dupe.
              - AVI and not BIN/CUE:
              - Some people burn to archive and play on a computer at a later
              time, BUT since there is no outside purpose other than playing on
              the computer, there is NO need to be packaged as BIN/CUE.
              - Group Watermarks WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN ANY CASE.
              - NO intros, outros, betweenos, or any other form of defacement of the
              movie will be tolerated.
              - Movie container MUST be AVI. OGG, OGM, MCF, Project Theora, MP4 are
              all forbidden due to bugs and usability factors, maybe next year!

              [ GROUPS & MEMBERS ]

              TDX 2002 revision was organized by:
              - E.L. - V. - f3k -

              Respects to the original TDX, Team DivX, organizers:
              - krazy8 - RipKord - Wuman - Lava - MaTaN -

              TDX 2002 has been approved by the following DivX groups:
              - AEN - DOMiNiON - DVD-R - EPiSODE - EPiC - INCiTE - MDX -
              - QiX - SChiZO - VCDVaULT -

              Also signed by:
              - SATELLiTE - InFuX - aNBc - DEiTY - MEDiAMANiACS - DVL -
              - CPY - JDX - DDX - REQUiSiTE - SEVcD - FoCUS -


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