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Super Audio CD na komputerowym DVD? , Soulburner 2/06/03 19:14
Czy zwykły komputerowy napęd DVD potrafi odczytać takie płytki z dźwiękiem 5.1? Pytam, bo nowy album studyjny Iron Maiden właśnie tak będzie zmixowany... :) Ciekawe, jak to może brzmieć?

You must gather your party before
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  1. super audio sie nie da , bartek_mi 2/06/03 20:00
    niestety - specjalny czytnik potrzebny

    za faq ze strony

    Can I play a Super Audio CD on my current CD player?
    Currently, SACDs from Sony Music must be played on a super Audio CD player. Specifically, Sony's SACD titles are not hybrid discs [i.e., the discs contain one high-density (HD) layer but do not contain a CD layer]. SACDs from the specialty labels can be played on current CD players.

    wiecej tu,23009,3371801,00.html

    Both formats can offer two-channel sound and discrete six-channel surround sound to fully immerse the listener in a 360-degree audio field. Hybrid SACDs offer both SACD data and audio CD data, which can be played in CD players. However, DVD-A and SACD will only play in compatible players.

    dzisiaj jest jutrzejszym wczoraj

    1. e tam tu jest napisane tylko o.. , ili@s 2/06/03 20:31
      CD pleyerach stacjonarnych a nie o DVD o które było pytanie.
      Jak znam życie to Sony DVD już to pewnie obsługuje a u innych wyjdzie nowy firmware do napędów komputerowych i będą czytały.
      Trza tylko zaczekać coby się pokazało trochę popularnj muzy w tym formacie

      1. a ja obstaje przy swoim , bartek_mi 2/06/03 20:47
        DVD-Audio offers at least 74 minutes of very high quality, surround sound, plus additional features (such as video and limited interactivity) that are not available on CDs. Capacity of a single layer DVD-Audio is of high quality full surround sound audio. In addition the disc can accommodate the same audio encoded as Dolby Digital for playing on existing DVD-Video players. During 2003 a double-sided 'hybrid' version is likely to become available with a CD compatible layer.

        SACD (Super Audio CD) also offers high quality audio and optional surround sound but no images, video or interactivity. SACD discs can be hybrid and include a CD audio layer which will play on normal CD players, albeit at CD quality. SACD discs will not play on DVD-Video players unless they are designed to play SACD.

        szczegolnie ostatnie kilka linijek

        dzisiaj jest jutrzejszym wczoraj

        1. ...ale tam jest mowa o DVD-Video Player'ach , Soulburner 2/06/03 20:55
          a nie o DVD-Rom'ach...

          You must gather your party before
          venturing forth.

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