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Partition Magic 7.01 za 9,90zł , masta killa yoshi 17/09/03 09:33
jak dla mnie bomba
podaje za

born to emerge

  1. a czy ten PM 7 , J@rek 17/09/03 10:16
    obsluguje dyski 60GB i wieksze z partycjami NTFS?

    Aspire5, Honda NC700SD, Mustang M4, Orkan
    3, Talon 4

    1. juz sie doczytalem ;-) , J@rek 17/09/03 10:18
      obsluguje dyski do 80GB

      Aspire5, Honda NC700SD, Mustang M4, Orkan
      3, Talon 4

  2. no no , McMi21 17/09/03 11:01
    najpierw the bat , teraz pm7. czekam na system commander'a :)

    1. Nie mow mi , Poke 17/09/03 12:31
      o System Commanderze :/ Tragedia, prawie stracilem partycje. Na szczescie jest BootIT NG.

      09 sierpien 2008 - penitentiam agite

      1. hmm , Czarek 17/09/03 12:33
        pewnie mial na mysli Windows/Total Commandera...

      2. no coz , McMi21 17/09/03 13:01
        jak kazdy program tego typu wymaga nieco uwagi przy operacjach na dysku. a nie zrobiles dyskow ratunkowych prawda ? :). zreszta jak 1 raz go uzylem to tez cos pokaszanilem , ale sam wszystko slicznie odzyskal

        1. To byla , Poke 18/09/03 08:33
          ewidentna wina System commandera. Blednie przywrocil MBR.

          09 sierpien 2008 - penitentiam agite

          1. Albo , Poke 18/09/03 08:41
            FAT? Juz nie pamietam...

            09 sierpien 2008 - penitentiam agite

  3. hmm , Czarek 17/09/03 12:35
    problem w tym, ze tego typu soft starzeje sie b. szybko (w odroznieniu np od klienta poczty etc) - wiec nie wiem, czy to taka rewelacja...

    wersja 7.01 jest juz dzis przestarzala :(

    1. ale do firmy... , Holek 17/09/03 12:53
      to bardzo dobry zakup, za mala kase mam program, ktorym zrobie wszystko co mi potrzebne. Normalnie korzystam z 6.0 i tez wystarcza - wiec siodemka to juz bedzie wypas;)

      " I am on The Road again..."

      1. tez wlasnie:) , Ranx 17/09/03 12:56
        ehhh ta pogon za nowosciami...
        a w nowej wersji na ogol nowe ulepszone kreatory wiecej zzartego ramu i te same funkcje...:)

        o roztramtajdany charkopryszczańcu...

        1. z tego co pamietam... , Holek 17/09/03 13:01
          to wersja 8.0 miala mozliwosc zagladania na partycje ext2/ext3 - uzylem tego tylko raz i w dodatku cos sie zdupcylo;)

          PM uzywam do kopiowania/kasowania/zmiany rozmiaru partycji... i 6.0 sprawdza sie znakomicie, ale skoro 7 za dyszke, to biore;)


          Co do kreatorow zgadzam sie na calej linii;)

          " I am on The Road again..."

    2. wlasnie kupilem KS , J@rek 17/09/03 13:37
      program obsluguje moje dyski, ktore bede mial jeszcze napewno sporo czasu... za kilka dni skladam kompa gdzie tez bedzie dysk 60GB wiec program jest oki

      Aspire5, Honda NC700SD, Mustang M4, Orkan
      3, Talon 4

  4. hehehe swietne zdanie podczas rejestracji programu , J@rek 17/09/03 14:03
    Na podany adres e-mail WYSŁALI MY numer seryjny programu Partition Magic 7.0.

    Aspire5, Honda NC700SD, Mustang M4, Orkan
    3, Talon 4

  5. i info z cd , J@rek 17/09/03 14:07
    Wersja zamieszczona na tym krążku potrafi obsługiwać dyski twarde o
    pojemnościach do 120 GB oraz partycje z takimi systemami plików,
    jak NTFS, FAT16, FAT32, HPFS, Linux Ext2, Netware.

    Aspire5, Honda NC700SD, Mustang M4, Orkan
    3, Talon 4

  6. To ja polece to - SystemRescueCD , Thadeus 17/09/03 14:34 - plytka Livecd a na niej:

    System tools provided

    This bootable CDRom is provided with many system tools. Here is a short description of them.

    Linux-kernel-2.4.21-xfs The current release is based on linux-2.4.21. This is the last stable version (2.4.21). It was patched in order to add support for the XFS file system, and add the Speakup screen reader for blind people. The precompiled kernel includes a lot of drivers, in order to work for most users.

    GNU-Parted-1.6.6 Parted is the best linux partition tool. It's a reliable text based partition editor for Linux.

    QtParted and PartGui This is the most interesting feature of this CDRom. You can use these two graphical partition tools without XFree86 (they work with QtEmbedded). They can be considered as the best free PartitionMagic clones for Linux. They allow you to see a chart of your hard disk, create, format, delete, and modify partitions. You must start with the Frame Buffer in order for these utilities to work well. PartGui is not developed anymore, then QtParted is the best choice.

    Partimage-0.6.2 Partimage is a Ghost/DriveImage clone for Linux. It allows you to save/restore any partition of your hard disk into an image file. If you have a problem with your partition (virus, hard disk crash, error), you can restore it without having to reinstall your OS.

    Grub-0.93 / Lilo-22.5.1 These tools are the most common bootloaders used with Linux. You can restore your bootloader from this SystemRescueCd. For example, if Windows removed Grub, you can run grub from this CD, and reinstall this bootloader.

    File System tools Each file system has its own tools. For example XFS provides xfsprogs. It allows the user to format an existing partition, to resize another one, ... We provide reiserfsprogs for ReiserFS, xfsprogs for XFS, jfsprogs for JFS, e2fsprogs for ext2/ext3, ntfsprogs for NTFS, dosfstools for FAT/VFAT. A beta version of Reiser4Progs is provided. This is the tool that manages ReiserFs-4 file systems.

    Archiving tools Of course, tar/gzip/bzip2 are provided for Unix users. This CDRom also contains zip/unzip, rar/unrar for Windows users. It allows users to backup/restore their data from this bootable disc. We also added Dar (Disk Archiver). It's a tar clone, and it's a lot more powerful.

    sfdisk-3.07 sfdisk is a partition table tool. You can save and restore your partition table from/into a file. Even logical partitions are supported. For example, "sfdisk -d /dev/hda > hda-backup" will make a backup, and "cat hda-backup > sfdisk" will restore your partition table. It's very useful if you make an error with parted. Don't keep the backup on the hard disk ! Of course, you need to copy the backup to another computer, or to any removable media.

    Editors During a system rescue, you may need to edit system files. We provide both nano (a lightweight editor) and vim-6.2 (VI Improved). Newbies can use QTinyEditor. This is a very basic graphical text editor, designed with a Qt interface.

    Midnight Commander MidnightCommander (mc) is a NortonCommander clone for Linux. It is very easy to use, and allows you to browse all the files on your hard disk. You can copy, rename, delete, move, search, and edit files.

    CDRTools This package contains mkisofs and cdrecord. These tools will allow you to burn a CDR from this system cd.

    Network Tools We also provide basic network tools, in order to allow you to exchange data with other computers. You can use Samba ("mount -t smbfs //ip/share /mnt/path"), NFS, ssh (client and server), PPP (connect to the internet), lynx (console web browser). LUFS (Linux Userland File System) allows to mount FTP, SSH, file systems.

    Misc Tools md5deep allows you to calculate the MD5 sum in subdirectories, wipe is a security tool which ensures that data in a file is really destroyed and unrecoverable.

    Anti-virus Clam-AntiVirus is a free sofware Anti-Virus. You can update the definitions from the CDRom, and scan your system for a virus.


    1. zaraz sciagne i sie przygladne :) , masta killa yoshi 17/09/03 18:11

      born to emerge

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