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Prośba o przetłumaczenie - angielski , mkulpa 23/01/06 21:56
Może ktos ma translatora angielskiego, najlepiej wkleić. Slowniki on line tylko pojedyncze slowa mi tłumaczą

The hacker municipality warns Premiere and Kudelski due to the fact, which will in Germany and other countries for the moment some, urgently warns we Premiere and Kudelski. If within some days their accusations and orders are not stopped, we see the Nagra Algorythmus forced including the new IDEA key and that 1024 RSA with ROM dump of the series of 102, 110, to publish 120 and 103 completely. We nevertheless probably accept, the Kudelski white, what is meant with it and it does not continue to deal with the fact because all of Kudelski drove map types out world-wide are based on this Rome. A negotiation does not take place. Kudelski and Premiere are to worry about a safe coding system and not after those treath, which use a gap. We are the opinion, which the reactions go into Germany too far. We observe the situation! Attention, the following text comes from a Spanish underground forum

Kudelski answerd on the Hack of Nagra
Those guys ordered 14 Million Cards to change them
all over Europe. So that means they have no other possibility
to stop the Hack on the Cerebro Card. The Change takes actually
more than 5-6 Months (3 Months producing Card) and another
2-3 Months to replace them.

It´s not an advertising for Cerebro Card, but is seems, that the
Hack will stay for long Time

The Rumors, that Premiere changed the Key is not true
Premier had Problems at the Uplink Station and the Signal
lost for a couple of Seconds. Due this Breakup, some Guys
thought it is a Keychange, but that´s not true

I wonder if Cerebro will not be killed by an Keychange
but we´ll see. For now it´s working: And only a Keychange
can show us if it´s a real Hack, or not

Here still the whole report: Quotation Cerebro.... Part 5 in the Spanish forum one came because of the situation into Germany to the opinion, which must give it a ROUND ENVELOPE. And now the hammer: Soon the ROM1xx dump is to be published... is been called, ALL maps in the circulation from Kudelski was dumped. And the Sahnehaeubchen: With this DUMP into the EMUS to be built ALL NAGRA 2 Provider brightly! It sounds itself unbelievably, but that the impossible is possible, we noticed in the last weeks! If happens, then good night in the forums! Quotation Cerebro..... Part 6 attention, which the following text comes from a Spanish underground forum which I will in a general manner translate now: ---------- The hacker municipality warns premiere and Kudelski Due to the fact, which will uebertieben in Germany and other countries for the moment some, we urgently warn premiere and Kudelski. If within some days their accusations and orders are not stopped, we see the gesammten Nagra Algorythmus forced including the new IDEA key and that 1024 RSA with ROM dump of the series of 102, 110, to publish 120 and 103 completely. We nevertheless probably accept, the Kudelski white, what is meant with it and it does not continue to deal with the fact because all of Kudelski drove map types out world-wide are based on this Rome. A negotiation does not take place. Kudelski and premiere are to worry about a safe coding system and not after those trachten, which use a gap. We are the opinion, which the reactions go into Germany too far. Quotation There stands still more, but is irrelevant. Cerebro.... Part 7 (newest) Information for you reference of the Cerebro: From a Spanish friend I experienced today, which the Germans can be pleased, which gives it the C*rebro, because this map is really good. I asked it, how he on sowas come and added equivalent still, which was the price of this map pure Abzocke and I support sowas in keinster way. He meant thereupon, which is these OS of the Cerebro an ingenious chess move that the Rausbringer, because she cannot be selected by premiere and Kudelski. Therefore they grope completely in the dark, but they know, which was completely dumped this Nagra 2 Betacrypt header system. They do not know the WHY however. They do not know the weak point of the BOX. Now run tents I something the forehead.... BOX?.... I thought, those have the map gehacked. , he said Tja, to it all attempts evenly always were to chop Nagra 2 failed. The map is closely... more.immer still! But the boxes, in order to exactly say it, embeeded the chip of the boxes, is the weak point. Now noticed I, which he is been versed in the subject very well, because he still which about auxiliary commands outside of the actual IDEA/ RSA key Streamtechnik talked. But it continued to want to deal not with and meant which will keep the Cerebro still longer, as long as to the old boxes from traffic are pulled


Kudelski losing or gaining fusion /Bringing together between Canal+ and TPS

Following the advertisement, the week spent, of fusion enters the two French satellite bouquets, the Kudelski action knew difficult days out of Stock Exchange. Reason: some estimate that Canal+ could forsake the specialist of Vaud in numerical systems of access to the profit of Viaccess, supplier of TPS and property of France Telecom. An assumption which surprises A. Kudelski. Interview

- doesn't fusion between Canal+ and TPS worry you

Quite to the contrary, it is an opportunity for us. That will enable us to extend our presence on the French market

- But don't you fear that Canal+ does not make you false jump with the profit of Viaccess, which provides already TPS

- I would not say that there is no risk, but it is very weak. First of all, we have a long history with Canal+. We even formed a common company in 1993, Nagra Plus. Then, we have experience of this kind of case: we already amalgamated two different platforms, those of Sogecable and Open TV in Spain. There is also a strategic element of order in the balance. Because after fusion, the largest competitor of the platform of Canal+ will be France Telecom, via its Wanadoo subsidiary company and its offer of TV by ADSL. However, France Telecom is also the owner of Viaccess...

- does the satellite still have future, vis-a-vis with the TV by ADSL for
- It is certain. It is necessary to see the satellite, terrestrial numerical television or the TV by Internet like complementary means of diffusion

- the other topicality of the day is German: it is the loss of the rights of the foot by the paying chain Premiere, one of your customers, with the profit of a consortium associating Kabel Deutschland and Unity Media

- Kabel Deutschland also forms part of our customers. This new advertisement especially a greater German market segmentation: on a side films, on Premiere, and other the foot. For us, it is the occasion to sell some charts moreover

  1. heheh , tommi 23/01/06 22:01
    zartujesz oczywiscie ;)

    Śmiech to najlepsze lekarstwo na
    wszystko, no może z wyłączeniem biegunki.

    1. oczywiscie że nie , mkulpa 23/01/06 22:06
      to nie żart :D

  2. czekaj , DmK 23/01/06 22:06
    obejrzę bardzo przyjemny horror (Shutter) i wróce do tego wątku... zobaczę czy tak samo mnie ruszy ;-)

    1. wrażenia mogą być podobne , mkulpa 23/01/06 22:07

    2. ten film jest , sakooL 23/01/06 22:08
      Z A J E B I S T Y

      1. o cholera , DmK 23/01/06 22:37
        motyw jak gościu w tej ciemni... wow oglądam na słuchawkach i... ten film jest ostry..... dobra musiałem odpocząć.... :)

        1. zakonczenie wymiata :) , sakooL 23/01/06 22:47
          A co do filmu, to za wczesnie go ogladasz. Powinienes poczekac z 2-3 godzinki A co do sluchawek to bardzo dobre posuniecie, pasuja do tego filmu ;)

        2. jak juz obejrzysz to napisz, jak Ci sie podobala scena , sakooL 23/01/06 22:51
          w samochodzie, bo to jedna z moich ulubionych. Schodzenie po drabince tez fajne.

  3. na pewno niebawem pojawi sie , tommi 23/01/06 22:09
    ten wywiad na jakims forum o tej tematyce :)

    Śmiech to najlepsze lekarstwo na
    wszystko, no może z wyłączeniem biegunki.

    1. na forach o tej tematyce , mkulpa 23/01/06 22:16
      panuje taki burdel ze nikt nawet nie wie ze jest taki text ;)

  4. chyba NA angielski , Kenny 23/01/06 22:09
    przeciez to jakis bełkot wyprodukowany wlasnie przez translatora... :)


  5. dobra , Kenny 23/01/06 22:13
    zaglabilem sie w to i... to jest niezrozumiale; piekny przyklad uzycia translatora, a ponizsze zdanie jest wrecz boskie.

    We nevertheless probably accept, the Kudelski white, what is meant with it and it does not continue to deal with the fact because all of Kudelski drove map types out world-wide are based on this Rome.


    1. całym sercem potwierdzam , Seadog 23/01/06 23:30
      i łączę się w bólu. To nie jest angielski, nawet nie angielskawy. Daj niemiecki (czy jaki tam) oryginał, większe szanse.

  6. czytac mi sie nie chce, ale wiem o czym to jest , RusH 23/01/06 23:13
    Kudelski to koles robiacy zabezpieczenia dla kart TV sat, robi ten szit ktorego uzywa Polsat+, teraz ktos zlamal jakis inny kanal adult chyba, i przy okazji polecial Polsat+, wiec niedlugo mozna sie spodziewac tanich kart na P+ ... a P+ niedawno wymienil wszystkie karty na ten nowy system, bo Kudelski obiecywal ze starczy to na dlugo (dlugo = >1.5 roku w tym biznesie)

    I fix shit

    1. o wlasnie , RusH 24/01/06 00:07
      Premiere zostalo zlamane i mozna znalezc juz opis hacku jak sie jest na tajnych ninja listach harcerskich

      I fix shit

      1. dobrze gadasz , mkulpa 24/01/06 10:12
        znalazłem ten tekst po nibyangielsku na jakimś uploadzie dla kart dvb-s i szukam emu dla kart dvb-s o ile takie juz powstało po niedawnej wymianie kart przez Polszit, pozdro.

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