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Jaki sposob wymiany waluty przez PAYPAL jest bardziej korzystny? , XiSiO 4/03/08 23:15 Kilka osob tutaj uzywa Paypal wiec moze wiecie jakie przeliczenie jest lepsze przez VISA/MC czy Paypal jezeli kupujemy w obcej walucie?
* The PayPal currency conversion process
* The MasterCard and Visa currency conversion process
Please select your option below:
Use PayPal's conversion process to complete my transaction using my card's currency.
Both the original transaction currency and the converted amount that I will be charged are disclosed for my convenience. I understand that MasterCard and Visa have a currency conversion process. I have chosen not to use the MasterCard and Visa currency conversion process, and I will have no recourse against MasterCard and Visa with respect to any matter related to this conversion.
Bill me in the currency listed on the seller's invoice.
I will not know which foreign exchange rate has been applied to this transaction until I receive my card statement from my card issuer. I acknowledge that by choosing this option, my card issuer will determine the foreign exchange rate to apply to this transaction, and that I will not be informed of the foreign exchange rate or any additional foreign exchange fees applied until I am billed by my card issuer."Przyjaźń - bezcenna za wszytko inne
zapłacisz adeną" (C) XiSiO - podepne sie - adres paypal , kubazzz 4/03/08 23:39
czy jest jakas mozliwosc, zeby miec dodatkowy adres, ale poza Polska?
Bo jakos nie widze mozliwosci zmiany kraju i pewnie sie nie da, ale ...SM-S908 - dla zainteresowanych , XiSiO 5/03/08 15:27
lepiej placic karta niz paypal, sprawdzone."Przyjaźń - bezcenna za wszytko inne
zapłacisz adeną" (C) XiSiO - No jasne , El Vis 5/03/08 21:56
Ale nie zawsze się da. Paypal praktycznie ma monopol na ebay niestety. Coraz częściej pojawia się moneybookers.I don't suffer from insanity.
I actually quite enjoy it.
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