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Szukaj @ TwojePC

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Środa 26 maja 2004 

Skype - wersja

Autor: DYD | źródło: e-mail | 14:06
Wczoraj ukazała się świeżutka wersja ( bardzo ciekawego głosowego komunikatora Skype. Główną zmianą, jest wprowadzenie wreszcie możliwości wstawienia własnego obrazka lub zdjęcia (Avatar support). Skype to w zasadzie wirtualny telefon korzystający z połączenia internetowego, umożliwiający głosową komunikację dwóch osób mających dostęp do Internetu. Użytkownicy wpisani do programu Skype, mogą bez żadnych dodatkowych wymogów rozmawiać ze sobą tylko przy pomocy mikrofonu - jakość transmitowanego głosu zależy od połączenia internetowego. Szczegółowy opis oraz download najnowszej wersji Skype nas stronie (7.63 MB). Pełna lista zmian w dalszej części newsa.

25.05.2004 Skype™ Beta

feature: Avatar support
feature: Signed installer and Skype.exe
feature: Own profile update from network
feature: Green button press dials a speed-dial, if one is entered into address bar
feature: Magnetic links support
feature: When closing and reopening a Message window, messages are kept one hour after the arrival of the last message
feature: New language - Italian
change: New English, Estonian, French, German, Korean language files
change: Errors 3601 and 3602 made non-fatal in case there was a problem with audio devices
change: improved support for simultaneous login from different locations
change: improved connecting for clients who had UDP blocked
bugfix: fixed a bug which caused resetting of sound device setup on some cases
bugfix: Call tab context menu -> mute mic is disabled now if call is on hold
bugfix: Worked around errors if computer time was changed backwards during call
bugfix: Version checker was incorrectly started multiple times if could not connect/login
bugfix: 'Manage blocked users' form is not maximizable, resizes controls on resize and have min size constraint
bugfix: 'Close' in 'View user profile' screen is automatically adjusted according to the length of the text
bugfix: Invalid text was in ClearCallList confirmation dialog
bugfix: Tray menu -> send message was correctly disabled if offline or logged off
bugfix: All toolbar buttons are correctly disabled if offline or logged off
bugfix: Added Congo (Republic of)
bugfix: Message window - handles correctly dpi settings
bugfix: Message window - not too sensitive to ALT key
bugfix: Message window - not too sensitive to esc anymore
bugfix: Message window - not possible to initiate call anymore if offline
bugfix: Message window - URL encoding for history file path
bugfix: Message window - tray bar notification does not pop up when chat window is already open
bugfix: Message window - pops up only if no chat window present with that user
bugfix: Message window - log area is scrolled correctly
bugfix: Message window - possibility to select and copy the whole word with right mouse click in log area
bugfix: Message window - AltGr symbols working again
bugfix: Message window - red/green button misbehavior
bugfix: Message window - log area and history show real username
bugfix: Message window - wrong user status in title
bugfix: Message window - title is translatable
bugfix: Message window - no empty messages let through
bugfix: Message window - possibility to cut text from text-entry pane
bugfix: Message removed possible doubled header in history
bugfix: If message history is disabled then messages are not saved to disk under any circumstances
bugfix: Sending contacts does not show up in Message history
bugfix: Changed template file for chat history
bugfix: Skype could not connect if user had no write access to Shared directory
bugfix: Skype crashed sometimes on connect and close
bugfix: Bandwidth tests were performed too frequently
bugfix: When you deleted some of your profile fields, other users did not see the change



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